Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Home Care Assistance Healthy Longevity Webinar Series: Heart Health 101

Join us for our free webinar on February 17th at11am PST/2pm ET featuring renowned Cleveland Clinic heart experts and authors,Drs. Marc Gillinov and Steven Nissen.
Go to www.homecareassistance.com/heartmonth/ for details on how to register. 

Home Care Assistance provides a free webinar series that features experts in various fields discussing topics of interest dealing withaging, health and wellness and healthy longevity. In honor of Heart Month, the webinar for the month of February will feature renowned heart experts Drs. Marc Gillinov and Steven Nissen. Drs. Nissen and Gillinov are authors of the new book Heart 411-The Only Guide to Heart Health You’ll Ever Need. The book has been described as the definitive guide to heart health from two of America’s most respected doctors at Cleveland Clinic, the leading hospital for heart health in America. Their book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in heart health that provides answers to common questions such as “Can a high stress job really lead to a heart attack?” and “What are the most important medical tests to run to check on heart health?” in an accessible way andprovides useful health tips from which everyone can benefit.

For more information about cardiac rehabilitation or the post-hospitalization discharge process, please visit www.HospitaltoHomeCare.com.

www.HomeCareAssistance-toronto.com • 905-597-5825

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