Tuesday, October 25, 2011

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Your best partner in the fight against breast cancer

Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in Canadian women. We estimate 23,200 women in Canada will be diagnosed with breast cancer and 5,300 women will die from the disease in 2011.
The Canadian Cancer Society fights back against cancer by leading breast cancer prevention initiatives, offering information and support services for breast cancer patients and their families, funding world-class breast cancer research and advocating for cancer-related issues.
We fight breast cancer by doing everything we can to prevent cancer from ever happening in the first place. As part of our mission work, we create awareness of the Ontario Breast Screening Program and educate women about breast screening through our Thingamaboob tool.
Take action! Did you know mammograms save lives by detecting the disease early when it's most treatable? If you're a woman 50 to 69 years old, fight back against breast cancer by getting a mammogram every two years. Talk to your healthcare professional or call the Ontario Breast Screening Program today at 1 800 668-9304 to book your own appointment.
ServicesThe Society cares about women living with breast cancer and their families. Our information and support services have been proven to decrease anxiety and increase people's ability to cope with cancer. If you know someone who is living with breast cancer, either as a patient or caregiver be sure to tell them about our free information and support services.
ResearchThis year, the Canadian Cancer Society is investing $2.7 million to support world-class breast cancer research. Recently, two of our ground-breaking breast cancer clinical trials made news headlines because they will change how breast cancer is prevented and treated around the world.
Our first study related to preventing breast cancer in women who are at increased risk for the disease. For these women our study found that the drug exemestane reduces their risk of developing the disease by 65 per cent.
The second study related to the treatment of breast cancer. Our study found that additional radiation treatment reduces risk of reoccurrence for women with early breast cancer.

Read more: http://www.cancer.ca/ontario/about%20us/od-mark%20your%20calendar/october%20is%20breast%20cancer%20awareness%20month.aspx?sc_lang=en#ixzz1bpKRUWm8

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